這是美國最有名的女性理財專家 Suze Orman 最新出版的書籍,這幾個月來, 一直有朋友建議我去多看看她寫的書和電視節目。 所以年初看到 Costco 有賣這本書, 就趕緊去買了來看 (定價 $9.99, Costco 價格 $5.69), 雖然還沒有時間全部看完, 但已經覺得很有收穫了。
今天接到朋友提供的連結, 這本書竟然可以免費下載, 只到 1/15 為止, 所以趕快貼上來跟大家分享
下載 (只有英文版)
想要在 2009 年做好財務管理的美國朋友們, 別錯過這本實用的好書。 時間不多, 要趕快喔~
- Jan 13 Tue 2009 16:16
[好康] 免費下載理財專家 Suze Orman 的新書 (僅到 1/15 有效)
- Jan 09 Fri 2009 00:27
[分享] 永遠健康快樂
(感謝樂客 pifen 分享)
「讓我所有朋友永遠健康快樂 !」
佛說:「只能四天 」
佛說:「不行,就一天 ! 」
我說:「好 !」
我說:「在我所有朋友活著的每一天 !!」
佛笑了說:「以後你所有朋友將天天健康快樂 !! 」
- Jan 06 Tue 2009 13:59
[分享] 從一無所有, 到一無所缺
他,沒有四肢, 仍舊樂觀面對生活的每一個挑戰。他, 行動不便,卻周遊世界,帶給四肢健全的人鼓勵與勇氣。
如果生而殘缺的他,都能樂觀的面對所有的挑戰,比他幸運的我們, 也沒有理由做不到。
在難過不景氣的日子裡, 我們需要的是更多正面的鼓勵與互相打氣, 而不是指責謾罵或批評。 給別人一點陽光, 或許就讓他灰暗的心情, 變成一天的晴天; 因為一張大便臉或是一句刻薄的話, 也能讓別人一整天陷入不愉快的心情裡。
請別落井下石,給別人一點笑容, 一句溫暖的關懷, 一雙希望的手。 沒有人生活永遠平順,也許哪一天, 你也希望別人能如此對待你。對別人寬厚一些, 對自己仁慈一點。
新的一年, 對很多人都不好過, 我們一起加油! 也希望 sunny 跟你分享的影片, 給你的新年, 帶來一些的希望。
生命戰士 _ 力克的故事 Nick Vujicic
- Dec 26 Fri 2008 15:18
[美國生活] 美國也買得到大同電鍋喔
常常聽人家說從台灣扛個大同電鍋出國,這個年代, 真的不必這麼大費周章了, 因為美國就買得到啦~~~
現在航空公司的行李重量都提高限制, 所以出國的行李能帶的重量已經減少許多, 加上電鍋又這麼大一個, sunny 實在不建議大家萬里迢迢自己從台灣扛個大同電鍋來美國, 太麻煩了!!!
如果你有幸住在有亞洲超市的地區, 通常超市裡都會有賣電鍋, 加州的九九大華超市 99 Ranch Market 裡面, 都有賣大同電鍋 (正港的大同電鍋!), 還有各種電子鍋。
就算在一般的美國店裡, 如 Target, Walmart, Sears 這類的店, 也都有賣 rice cooker, 不過就不是大同的了。
如果你住的地方沒有大華超市, 又堅持一定要買大同電鍋的話, 別擔心, 網路上也有得賣
曾經看過一篇遊學的文章, 只是來短期遊學,作者提到他連微波爐都自己從台灣扛到美國, 還帶了十斤的麵來, 一個人全部行李重量高達一百公斤!!
Sunny 想鄭重的告訴台灣朋友, 美國雖然不是什麼東西都有, 但是微波爐這裡絕對有, 也不會太貴。米和麵這些基本的食材, 東方超市也一定都會有,真的不必把全部家當都帶來, 累死自己...
sunny 會建議要來美國停留較長時間的朋友們,能在美國買得到的東西, 就不必帶來了,但是一些台灣方便買到的常備良藥, 或是中文書籍, 或是學習所需的書籍這類的, 可以從台灣帶過來。
如果預算不多,又不介意用二手貨的人,週末可以多去逛逛 Garage Sale, 可以撿到非常多的便宜貨, 舉凡家具, 家電用品, 玩具, 衣物等等, 應有盡有。這也是少數在美國買東西可以殺價的機會。
另外一個非常好的管道, 就是 Craiglist (San Diego) (不是聖地牙哥地區的, 請從頁面右邊的連結找到離你最近的城市, 點進去就行了),到 "For Sale" 這個地方, 就可以依照分類, 找到許多二手的用品, 或是利用搜尋功能, 打入 keywords, 就可以找到一堆相關的物品。 sunny 的麵包機, 就是在 craiglist 上面花八元買到的, 狀況好得很。 很多已經不用的東西, 也常常利用這個網站刊登賣出或是送出。這個網站最讚的是, 買賣雙方都是免費使用的, 不需要註冊, 任何人都可以用, 非常方便。
窮學生不妨常常留意 "Free" 的這個類別, 經常有人搬家, 東西帶不走, 又急著要處理掉, 就會免費送人 (美國丟大型垃圾都要花錢, 還得事先預約來 pick up, 所以送掉還比較快)。 常常也會有一些不錯的好康可以拿喔~
- Dec 26 Fri 2008 14:42
[好康連結] 妳住美國嗎? 妳想省錢嗎?
(Jennifer & 小子 @ Sea World. 07/18/2005)
sunny 發現一個不錯的部落格, 現在景氣粉不好, 日子難過,能省則省。 喜歡省錢的美國主婦們,你們應該也會對這個網站有興趣喔~
一大堆的特價折扣資訊, 有的沒有的, 這裡通通告訴你。 Sunny 不認識版主, 也沒拿介紹費,純粹好康倒相報, 有興趣尋寶的, 請自行進入參觀吧!以後有好康的, sunny 都會趕快貼上來跟大家分享~
**Cathy 補充另一個好康網站 http://blog.eric.asia/
- Dec 26 Fri 2008 14:24
[好康] IPEVO Skypeout 點數大放送
- Dec 21 Sun 2008 03:45
[樂客] 來自 Weny 一家的聖誕卡片
前幾天收到了一封來自台灣的信,結果竟然是之前的樂客 Weny 一家 寄來的聖誕卡片!這是第一次有客人寄卡片給我們呢, 而且這兩張卡片, 都是Vanesa 妹妹的畫作所印成的喲~
這一張是十歲的 Vanessa 妹妹畫的 "蘭嶼的豐收", 彩色影印的畫作, 貼在金色的底紙上, 真的很有豐收的歡樂氣氛。
sunny 阿姨都不知 Vanessa 這麼會畫圖,圖片上的人物動作表情生動無比, 那艘獨木舟也非常精彩,海上還有開心得跳躍起來的飛魚, 連沙灘上的螃蟹也舉起兩隻大螯一同歡慶。
Vanessa 妹妹還在背面寫了一些給小子的話:
Dear Frank (小子),
我好懷念在美國的時光, 可惜時光飛逝, 我離開了聖地牙哥,
我很想念你們, 也很想再跟你一起野餐,希望你不要忘記我!
Merry X'mas
Happy New Year!
Vanessa (姊姊) 2008. 12. 06
另外還有一張, 也是由 Vanessa 親手繪製的 "採茶趣", 那位採茶農婦的笑臉, 真是太可愛了! Vanessa 妹妹顯然花了很多時間觀察與思考, 才能畫出那麼多的細節。 你一定要繼續畫下去喔,就算以後不當畫家, 都可以畫來自娛娛人呢! 加油!
Vanessa 的媽媽 Weny 用可愛的字體, 在卡片背面也寫了一些話給我們:
Dear 凱文 & sunny,
因為你們的努力 -
在這辛苦的年頭, 送上蓓的親手畫作 "蘭嶼的豐收" & "採茶趣"
"樂園民宿" 也會是豐收的開始。 加油!
Merry Christmas!
~ Happy New Year ~
Steven & Weny
謝謝你們的祝福。 也在此借花獻佛,用 Vanessa 的畫作, 祝福大家聖誕快樂! 新年如意!
[樂客] Weny & Friends
- Dec 19 Fri 2008 07:55
[樂客] Wave 一家四口的取暖之旅
Wave 一家曾經在溫暖的佛羅里達居住多年, 之後搬到北加州定居。Wave 由好友貝貝媽介紹看了樂園民宿的部落格之後, 就很嚮往能到樂園來看看, 也帶孩子們到南加州來度個小假,重溫一下佛羅里達的溫暖時光。
(Wave & Weichih 於樂園後山坡, 後面的紅色楓樹, 是我們家狗仔的紀念樹)
Wave & Weichih 是很特別的客人,因為他們住宿樂園的時候,注意到了一些一般客人不會特別注意的建築與設計的細節。閒談之後才知道, Wave 原本就是主修室內設計, 現在還在進修景觀建築設計; 而 Weichih 則是土木工程專家, 難怪提出來的問題, 都是非常專業的, 原來是遇到專家了呢 :-)
Sunny & Kevin 跟他們一聊起這些整修過程, 就特別起勁, 因為好像遇到知己一般, 我們講的, 他們都聽得懂, 哈哈~
sunny & kevin 兩個半路出家的 designer 與 contractor, 憑著一股傻勁完成的樂園能夠得到 "兩位專家" 的造訪與肯定, 真是無上的光榮呢!
(Julian & Iris 在玩 Break the Ice 的遊戲)
他們的兩個小朋友 Julian & Iris 都好乖又好安靜喔~~ 凱文先生說, 怎麼明明有三個小朋友在玩, 都只聽見小子一個人的聲音呀?
妹妹每天幾乎都是最早起床的, 然後就會安安靜靜的出來自己玩, 讓他的爸爸媽媽多睡一會兒, 超乖的。
三個小人玩得很融洽, 也很開心
盪得高高的 Iris 妹妹
(妹妹呀~ Sunny 阿姨好想幫你把留海夾起來喔~~)
在桃花樹下耐心等待小孩玩耍以及老婆聊天的 Weichih... (拍謝, 話粉多, 久等了....)
這次他們的旅遊雖然有四天三夜,不過其中兩天都是在開車,因為從北加州開到聖地牙哥, 就得耗去一整天了呢 (平均車程 8-10 小時), 尤其有小朋友在車上, 中間還得停留, 真的非常辛苦的旅程呢!
聽說 加州的高鐵快要興建了 ,以後從聖地牙哥到舊金山只要四個小時 (點網頁上的 Route 可以看到地圖), 真令人期待呀! 趕快動工吧~~~ 推行公共建設不但可以解決現在嚴重的失業問題, 蓋好之後, 又可以大大改善公共運輸的問題,又不必長途開車燒汽油, 一舉多得。
Sunny 出國之前, 台灣沒有捷運, 也沒有高鐵,今年回台灣的時候,首次搭乘高鐵, 也多次在台北搭乘捷運, 真的是便利無比, 交通建設真的是攸關民生的重要基礎建設呀! 希望加州也能趕快有這樣便利的公共運輸, 不然就算想要配合環保節能少開車, 都很難呢!
以後如果高鐵蓋好了, 北加州的朋友四天的假期, 就可以有三天是真的拿來度假囉~ 這樣以後要到北加州拜訪親友, 也更快速便捷了! 這次 Wave 一 家人只待了兩個晚上, 感覺時間過得好快, 希望下次他們還能再來待久一點喔!
Dear Sunny, Kevin & 小子,
很高興能夠親眼看到這麼專業的室內空間設計, 更佩服一磚一瓦把夢想堆砌成樂園的男主人。 只能說你們能夠擁有彼此, 是最幸福的事。
謝謝你們願意跟我們分享你們的家, 也謝謝你們的熱情, 讓我們自覺在這裡不是客人, 更像是朋友。期待下次拜訪的機會。 祝:
平安。 順心
Wave, Weichih, Julian & Iris.
對於有兩個孩子的 wave 還能每天辛苦通勤上夜校,進修專業的景觀建築設計課程, sunny 感到衷心的佩服。 祝福 Wave 學業順利, 早日取得證照, 成為一個賺大錢的設計師喔~~
很棒的民宿 by Wave
(部分內容節錄, 全文請點上方連結)
回家路上我就在想: 我一定要寫篇日記來紀錄這個民宿
原本學機械和中文的兩人, 憑著藝術家的天分加上多年自修
由女主人設計, 男主人建造
(真的是夫婦倆自己施工, 沒有請人)
所有細節之專業, 讓有室內設計和土木背景的我們兩人真是嘆為觀止.
簡單說, 它就是一棟[設計師設計給自己住的房子].
在美國, 民宿 (Bed & Breakfast) 講究的就是有特色的房子,
溫馨的氣氛, 再加上一頓豐盛的早餐.
除了建築物本身的吸引力之外, 主人的熱情和親切更是加分的重點.
在民宿住了三天兩夜, 真的是很享受, 很放鬆.
能夠一家人輕鬆談天, 慢慢享受早晨的時光,
真是令人滿足的想嘆氣: AAAH~ 這才叫做度假阿...
- Dec 15 Mon 2008 14:11
[分享] 你知道最近VISA廣告裡跳舞的是誰嗎?
這是 sunny 收到的轉寄文章,希望把這樣的感動也傳給你。Nothing is impossible!
(以下第一段原作者不詳。如果知道原文出處者, 煩請告知, 謝謝)
Matt Harding,1976年次的年輕人,
VISA廣告 笨拙跳舞的男子MATT 2008/11/28 【聯合新聞網/劉姎宜】
你注意到這個廣告了嗎?VISA最新廣告「why is that man dancing anywhere?」,有個男子在新加坡、日本、巴里島、中國、越南、美國不停的跳跳跳,笨拙的舞蹈,讓人覺得有趣又發笑。
原 來這真有其人,片中男主角叫MATT Harding,很多人在多年前就耳聞過此人,他今年32歲,美國Connecticut人,2003年2月辭去了電玩遊戲公司的工作,利用存款開始環遊 世界,有一天在河內旅遊時,同伴一句玩笑話,讓他到世界各地都做相同的事,不停的跳起他的招牌舞,還有網友戲稱這是白痴舞,影片上傳到了個人網站,製作了 他的第一支影片「Dancing 2005」。
而 後,MATT又有新的念頭,這次不只是一個人跳,希望「大家一起跳」,因此製作了第三支影片「Dancing 2008」,在這隻長度4分29秒的短片中,眼尖的網友一定會發現,台灣在3分29秒出現囉,背景是元宵節的燈籠們,2008年初來台拍攝,MATT在網 站中說對台灣的101跟交通燈號小綠人很感興趣,還說台灣人怎麼吃都不會胖,很好奇怎麼辦到的。
對於VISA廣告,網友覺得很有趣,網友 芭樂說日本女僕店那邊我笑,fion0525說讓我煩悶的心情都好了起來,特別是在船上跳快摔死的那一段, 超妙的! summer0714說這個MATT先生真的獨樹一格耶,創意果然帶來無限的可能,我想當初他自己可能也沒有想到,visa會找上他代言吧。
對於Dancing 2008影片,很多網友都說很可惜MATT來台灣時,沒有台灣在地人陪他一起跳,網友ilyagram發想說應該邀喜歡上鏡頭的立委跟公園裡練氣功、太極拳老伯伯一起來,mark說應該邀抗議團體跟波麗士大人(警察)一起來。
★Where the Hell is Matt?(Dancing 2005版)
★Where the Hell is Matt?(Dancing 2006版)
★Where the Hell is Matt?(Dancing 2008版)
【2008-11-28 聯合新聞網】
- Dec 12 Fri 2008 16:53
[景點。親子] 樂高樂園 Legoland
樂高樂園 Legoland 位於聖地牙哥北邊的 Carlsbad, 是全美國唯一一個樂高樂園喔~ 這個城市卡爾斯貝也正是有名的花田 還有Outlet 所在地。
之前的樂客 Vivian 和寶貝兒子 帶了兒子去迪士尼樂園和樂高樂園玩, 結論竟然是他的小朋友最喜歡去的是樂高樂園~ 樂高樂園很適合 2-12 歲的小朋友玩,喜歡樂高積木的樂高迷, 更是千萬不能錯過!
Sunny 一直想要好好介紹這個樂園, 卻還苦無機會。即將登場的樂客紀錄 "Wave 一家四口", 他們正好去了樂高樂園, 還寫了遊記, 所以 sunny 就偷懶一下, 經過 wave 的同意, 轉貼她的樂高樂園遊記。
聖地牙哥之旅: Day 2- Legoland
四天三夜, 除了第一天和第四天要整天開車
Legoland 果然是適合庭宇翔宇年紀的地方
大概非周末的關係, 隊伍都不長
San Diego天氣超好, 這時節還能穿短袖, 跟佛羅里達真像呢
玩著玩著來到一間Adventure Club, 看起來是要到不同房間找寶藏的鑰匙
結果一間一間走進去, 有骷顱頭, 有閃電
庭宇忽然說: "媽咪我想出去, 我要出去了..."
(開玩笑! 不要留我一個人在這裡阿, 媽咪也很怕阿~...)
(有人抱 她都是這個表情)
在心臟還噗通噗通跳的超大聲時, 當下只有一個念頭
"臭翔宇妳真幸運可以跟爸爸一組, 媽咪最討厭鬼屋了呀阿阿阿阿~~~"
可惡的Legoland, 鬼屋不在門口寫[鬼屋], 什麼Adventure Club
我哩咧!#%$!#!&*@#.. 害我不小心走進去!!
明明是12點, 感覺像是下午兩三點的太陽
我對爸爸提了幾次, 不過他一定沒在聽(不然就不會有後來這件事, 哈哈)
後來他看到清潔人員在收垃圾, 就說: "走快一點, 人家要關門了!"
媽咪莫名其妙地拿出手機說: "...爸爸..才三點半耶......"
(爸爸: 這太陽怎麼這麼怪? 我以為天要黑了.)
(媽咪: 誰叫你剛才沒在聽我說話.)
不過既然還早, 爸爸就帶著小朋友進去能動手玩的地方
庭宇翔宇各做了一台賽車, 結果跟其他小朋友比賽時
媽咪研究的結果, 因為翔宇的車頭很長又很高, 前輪卻在車身中間
所以柵欄慢慢降下時別人的車還卡著, 她的車已經先滑出去了.
算是歪打正著啦, 哈哈
Wave 原文的照片還很多。感謝 wave 提供照片。
(Ginger @ Legoland - 感謝 GingerMom 相片提供)
Legoland 樂高玩水消暑行 - by GingerMom
[遊記] Legoland - by 獅子媽咪 - 小朋友的樂高遊記
- Dec 10 Wed 2008 15:37
[12 月] 聖誕節, 讓我們看燈去!
(三歲時的小子, 坐著推車看燈飾)
又到了萬家燈火慶耶誕的十二月了! 美國的耶誕節,總是在冷冷的冬天裡,洋溢著暖暖的節慶氣氛, 其中我們最喜歡的活動之一, 就是去參觀住宅區的聖誕燈飾, 感受這種美國生活獨有的耶誕氣氛。
有些社區會全體動員, 家家戶戶卯足全力來裝飾, 很多還有主題呢~ 上面這張就是雪人家族
這篇的照片都是前幾年拍的, 今年還沒去看呢~
晚上不容易拍照, 又沒有用角架, 所以照片比較模糊些。 現場看起來的感覺真的很讚!
看出這家的主題嗎? 是101 忠狗喔! 真的很多大麥町的狗狗立牌在院子上呢
Christmas Wonderland
天啊~ 普通人家都只裝飾屋簷, 他們連屋頂上都裝滿了燈, 真的很熱鬧呀! (這家的電費想必也粉貴....)
這張手比較不抖了, 總算拍得清楚一些。 想像實景, 會更過癮! 聖誕老公公要從煙囪下去囉~
對了, 那些麋鹿的頭都還會轉動喔~
這一區有大概百戶以上的住家都會裝飾,是非常有名的聖誕燈區。聖誕節之前到樂園民宿住宿的樂客們, 有機會一定要去看看喔~ 如果時間許可, sunny 也能帶你們去參觀。
下面是 sunny 整理的全聖地牙哥地區的聖誕燈飾地點, 我們以前去過數個, 不過有些只有蓼蓼幾戶, 不值得大老遠開車去一趟, 可是有些地方, 即使只有一戶, 都不枉費跑一趟呢。 如果剛好住在聖地牙哥的朋友, 可以自行參考下面的資料, 前往參觀。
聖誕節, 快到了耶~~
*2008 Map of Christmas Lights in San Diego
Fairway Village, west side of Stoney Gate
Pl. 65+ homes decorated. Dec. 19 to Dec. 26,
5:30-10:30 pm. On Dec. 19 experience “Holiday
Magic” and enjoy food, drinks and cookies from
6:30-10:30 pm.
CHULA VISTA, 91910, 91911, 91914, 91915
Eastlake Neighborhood. Off Otay Lakes Rd.,
Eastlake Pkwy & Wueste Rd. Homes for the Holidays
contest held Dec. 15. View the winners (listed on
www.eastlake.org) Dec. 15 to Dec. 31, 5-9 pm.
Whitney St./Mankato. Circle between First and
Second Ave. off H St. & 1st Ave. “Christmas Circle.”
Over 55 homes decorated. Dec. 13 to Dec. 26,
5-10 pm.
7048 Hillsboro St. Off Waring and Princess
View. Dec. 13 to Dec. 26, 5:30-9 pm. Sit on Santas
lap and get a candy cane on Dec. 20.
Lana Dr. & Jamar. Off Mt. Abernathy Ave.
Circular street. Over 40 homes decorated. Dec. 13
to Dec. 27.
4670 Norwalk Ave. Off Clairemont Mesa Blvd./
Moraga Ave. Dec. 1 to Jan. 1, 6-10 pm, 11 pm
1523 48th St. Off Federal Blvd. & 48 St. Dec. 5 to
Dec. 28, 5-10 pm.
4641 Craigie St. Off Highway 94 and 47th.
Nicely decorated home. Dec. 1 to Dec. 31.
EL CAJON, 92021 - 這個就是我們每年必看的, 上面所有的照片都是在這區拍的。
Jingle Bell Hill (also known as Pepper Dr. Lights).
Solomon Ave./Pegeen Pl. and surrounding area. Off
67 & Bradley. Dec. 5 to Dec. 26, Mon-Th 6-9 pm,
Fri-Sun 6-10 pm.
1838 El Pico Dr. Off Hacienda Dr. 45th year
of decorating the 20-ft. star over 100 ft. in air,
overlooking El Cajon valley. View it on the first
weekend of Dec. Also see a 55-ft. train. Dec. 13 to
Dec. 31, dusk to 10 pm.
1709 N. Elm St. Off Ash north, left on Peach, right
on Elm. Yard full of lights, moving train, snowman
and more fun things. Dec. 17 to Jan. 1, 5:30-9 pm.
LA MESA, 91941
7171 Cornell Ave. Off Harbinson. 1000s of
lights, numerous animation, miniature villages,
carnivals, zoo and trains. You will have to get out of
your car and walk entirely around the house to see
it all. Special new display in front yard. Dec. 13 to
Dec. 31, 5-9 pm.
LEMON GROVE, Lomita (San Diego)
689 Meadowbrook Dr. Off Jamacha Rd. South
of Lemon Grove. Many lights on home. Santa and
Mrs. Claus may be out to greet the week of Dec. 15
to Dec. 23, dusk to 10 pm.
POWAY, 92064
12631 Stoutwood St. Off Twin Peaks Rd. &
Deerwood St. Nicknamed “The Griswolds.” Dec. 1
to Jan. 4, 5:30-10 pm weekdays, 11 pm weekends.
Hickory Crt./Hickory St., 12659
Butterwood Ct. and Rockrose Ct. All off
Twin Peaks Rd. & Silverset St. named “Candy Cane Courts.” Entire cul-de-sacs lit up. Dec. 6 to
Jan. 1, 6-9 pm.
Oviedo St. Off Black Mountain Rd.
“Christmas Card Lane.” Also enter off Twin
Trails Dr., Carmel Mountain Rd., (southwest
corner of the area). Ellingham St., Renato
St., Oviedo St., Twin Trails Dr., Barrymore
St., Rotherham Ave., Talca Ave., Talca Ct.,
Allenbrook Way, Davenport Ave., Amber Sky
Ln. Dec. 13 to Dec. 31, dusk-10 pm.
Block of 7900 and 8000 Hillandale Dr.
Off Mission Gorge & Deerfield. Many lights plus
tree on top of home. Dec. 1 to Dec. 31, 5-9 pm.
1639 Knob Hill. Off Nordahl Rd. Between
Tam O Shanter Dr. & Augusta Dr. Santa
will be out from 6:30-8 pm every evening
except Wednesdays from Dec. 12 to Dec. 23.
89,000+ lights, Disney characters and more.
Thanksgiving to Jan. 1, 5-9 pm.
660 Elm Tree Lane. Off Borden and
Mulberry Rose Ranch Rd. Beautifully decorated
home. Santa may be out on Saturdays. Nov. 23
to Jan. 1, 5:30-9 pm
SANTEE, 92071
9239 Lake Country Dr. Off Mast Blvd. Over
40,000 lights. Dec. 6 to Dec. 28, 5:30-10 pm.
Santa sleigh rides on Dec. 13, 14 & 20, weather
Sunburst Santee. Tomel Court, off Magnolia.
Many homes, Starlight Circle. Dec. 20 to Dec.
26, 7-10 pm.
5306 Belardo Dr. Off Via Valarta & Via Playa
De Cortes. 58,000 lights, many homemade
decorations, all sequenced and animated to
music. Tune to 89.7 FM radio to hear the lights
dance. Nov. 30 to Dec. 27, 5:30-10 pm.
VISTA, 92081
1505 Roma Dr. corner of Lupine Hills
and Roma Dr. Inflatables, a 3-dimensional
gingerbread house, with matching
gingerbread children and 4-ft candy canes,
nearly two dozen homemade plywood cutouts
of Disney and other holiday characters. Nov.
29 to Dec. 31, Sun-Th 6-10 pm, Fri-Sat 6 pm -midnight.
Commercial Holiday Lights Displays
Anderson Farms/Victoria’s Gardens - 這家離樂園民宿僅有 2 miles
13120 Willow Rd., Lakeside. One mile off
Highway 67, east. 2 1/2 areas of lighted
wonderland. Over 100 life-sized items + $2
lighted hayrides (4-7 pm) and 50,000+ lights.
Nov. 21 to Dec 24, 10 am-7 pm. 619-390-
Chula Vista Downtown
E St. to G St.: Downtown Holiday Lights, Dec. 2
to Jan. 1. On Dec. 6: Tree Lighting Ceremony,
5 pm, Festival of Lights Starlight Parade from H
St. to E St., 6 pm. www.chulavistaevents.com.
Del Mar Fairgrounds Holiday of Lights
Jimmy Durante Blvd./Via De La Valle. Off Highway
5. Animated holiday lights. Nov. 27 to Jan. 4,
Sun.-Thurs, 5:30-10 pm; Fri.-Sat., 5:30-11 pm; $14/
vehicle (up to 5 people), $19/van or car (6 or
more), $49/bus. 858-755-1161. www.sdfair.com.
Hotel del Coronado
1500 Orange Ave., Coronado. Tree in the lobby is
beautifully decorated plus 100,000 lights illuminate
the resort. Lighting of the tree outside Dec. 3, 5:00
pm. Lit til Jan. 2. 619-522-8490. www.hoteldel.com.
Mission Bay Christmas Boat - 海灣上的聖誕船
Parade of Lights
Dec. 13. Starts at 7 pm. Over 100 vessels. Begins
on Quivira Basin and ends with fireworks at 9 pm.
858-488-0501. www.mbyc.com.
Oceanside Parade of Lights
Harbor Dr. N./Harbor Dr., Christmas Parade
around inner Oceanside Harbor from the
Oceanside Yacht Club. Dec. 13, 7 pm.
Quail Botanical Gardens
(Garden of Lights)
230 Quail Gardens Dr., Encinitas. 90,000+ lights
illuminating the plants and trees. Dec. 11-23 and
Dec. 26-30, 5-9 pm. Different activities nightly.
Admission: Adults $10, children 3-12 $3.
760-436-3036. www.qbgardens.org.
Rady Children’s Hospital
3020 Children’s Way, San Diego, off Hwy 163.
Dec. 8 to Jan 1. www.rchsd.org.
San Diego Bay Parade of Lights
Boat Light Parade
Shelter Island Dr./Rosecrans - San Diego
Downtown Waterfront. Dec. 14 & Dec. 21.
Fireworks, 5:30 pm then parade til 9 pm. Starts
off Shelter Island, goes through the harbor and
ends at the Navy Carrier Base.
San Diego Downtown Tour of Lights
Downtown offices, hotel lobbies and storefronts
decorated for the holidays. Nov. 27 to Jan. 1.
San Diego Zoo’s Wild Animal Park
Festival of Lights
15500 San Pasqual Valley Rd., Escondido. Dec.
13-23, Dec. 26-30 and Jan 2-3, 5-9 pm. Lights,
crafts and snow. Several larger-than-life light
features. 12 and up $34, 3-11 $24, 2 & under
free. 760-796-5621.www.wildanimalpark.org.
Storefront Decorating Contest in LaJolla
Vote for your favorite La Jolla storefront
decorations. Five categories, go to
www.ljparade.com. Nov. 21 to Dec. 5.
Victorian Mansion/The Forward House
108 Ivy St., corner of First and Ivy, San Diego.
Nov. 27 to Dec. 31, 5-9 pm. See Santa on Dec.
12 from 5-8 pm. 619-533-7900.
Here is a listing of some of the best places to go see holiday light displays in San Diego.
Coronado - Cross the Coronado bridge and you are in a totally different world. It is in fact a small "island" town set in San Diego Bay. The whole city is a mere 7.4 square miles in size and there are only two ways in and two ways out - the San Diego-Coronado Bridge and the City of Imperial Beach to the south by State Highway 75. Coronado is one of our favorite areas to go holiday light hunting every year. Why? Because the people of Coronado go all out in getting into the Christmas spirit. Many of the older homes are very large and can take lots of lights. Peer pressure from the neighbors must factor in Coronado because so many homes are decorated to the nines.
Chula Vista's Candy Cane Lane - Chula Vista is the county's second largest city and Candy Cane Lane is one of the shortest streets in the County that carries the most Christmas punch. Chula Vista is located seven miles south of downtown San Diego and seven miles north of the world's busiest international border crossing along the I-5 and the I-805. Take our advice and head south on the I-5, exit on H Street, and head east. Take notice of the cars that start slowing down as they approach Fourth Avenue - they are probably turning right and there are probably traffic officers present trying to manage the flow of cars that stream in and out this street every year. Candy Cane Lane seems to get more and more decorated each year and we thank the homeowners for doing such an amazing job every year.
Another new addition to Chula Vista is Chula Vista's Christmas Circle which is worth a look-see, especially if the traffic getting to Candy Card Lane drives you crazy. Christmas Circle is located on Whitney Street and Mankato Street. These two streets form a loop which provides for easy viewing. The area is located between First and Second Avenue off H Street.
Mission Hills - Located in the hills above Old Town, Mission Hills is a neighborhood of stately craftsman homes dating back to the early 20th century. Quite a number of these beautiful homes have been designated as historically significant homes. Kate Sessions, planner of Balboa Park, started the Mission Hills Nursery a century ago (which sells Christmas trees this time of year). This is a great place to drive around to see the lights because the streets are windy and are void of traffic. Many of the homes are lit up for the holidays as are a number of the skyline trees that soar above the palm trees that line the major streets.
Kensington - One of San Diego's oldest and most charming residential neighborhoods, Kensington is situated north of El Cajon Boulevard and east of Interstate 15 above the south rim of Mission Valley. Like Mission Hills, Kensington is known for its winding streets and beautiful homes. Many of the Kensington homes are Spanish-style and quite a number of them have not changed their appearance in decades. A very nice thing about Kensington is that the neighborhood has its own center of Commerce along Adams Avenue. All the shops are located under or the neon Kensington sign. Imagine yourself stopping into Kensington to take in an independent movie at the Ken Theatre, having some dinner at Ponce's Mexican Restaurant, and then driving around some of the streets to see the beautifully decorated homes. Follow Adams Avenue east of the Kensington sign to Van Dyke. Pass through the intersection of Van Dyke and Adams. It would be hard to miss the lights of this neighborhood. We tip our hats to all of the neighbors for stringing up all those lights!
South Park/Burlingame - South Park and Burlingame are two communities that are geographically close but are separated by the urban canyons that criss-cross this older part of San Diego. South Park is a friendly residential community that lies between North Park at Juniper Street and Golden Hill at A Street. Bordered on the west by Balboa Park, South Park boasts beautiful vistas and classic California Craftsman style homes that have been getting better with a conscious effort of homeowners to preserve the past. Many of the homeowners are proud of their homes and do their very best to deck their halls with classy light displays. Burlingame is a residential community that is known for its pink concrete sidewalks - you know you are in Burlingame when you start seeing the pink sidewalks! Burlingame has a charming tradition of uniting various neighbors on certain streets to make a block holiday display.
Point Loma - Point Loma is one of the oldest and one of the wealthiest communities of San Diego. Blessed with spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean to the west and views of both Downtown and America's Cup Harbor to the east, Point Loma is one of the area's most desirable communities. People from all types of backgrounds have settled in Point Loma and each of these communities bring their special kind of taste for holiday displays with them. One constant theme in Point Loma is maritime and seafaring. Many retired military people live here as do many retired Portuguese fishermen. Their homes' holiday displays are big, nautical, and always full of Christmas spirt. Point Loma is a very large community with many different types of housing styles so there will be areas that have displays and others that do not. Just keep driving around. One street that is particularly impressive is Garrison off of Catalina Boulevard. This is the kind of street that people get out of the cars and walk around because the displays are so awesome.
La Jolla - La Jolla is a beautiful part of San Diego that always sets itself apart from the City because it can. It is a beautiful place that is quite unlike anything else in San Diego. The beach surrounds this lovely community and the homeowners take full advantage of this fact. Many of San Diego's wealthiest people live here and their holiday displays demonstrate that level of wealth. La Jolla sits west of I-5, going from Torrey Pines State Reserve in the north to the hills of Pacific Beach in the south. The Village of La Jolla is located in the middle of it all and this is the place where they have their annual Christmas Parade. The Village is a great place to walk around, do some shopping, get something to eat, go look at the ocean, and then get in the car to go do a drive-by to see the lovely lights.
Clairemont - Like Rancho Penasquitos, Clairemont is a community in the City of San Diego that is home to many families. Some locals may wonder why we have included this area since it is not known as being a ritzy area. However, Clairemont puts on the glitz when it comes to Christmas. In fact, over 40 homes get into the act and decorate their homes in a big way. Best of all, the homes are located on a circular drive. Go to Lana Drive and Jamar just off Mt. Abernathy Avenue to see this great light display.
Rancho Penasquitos - Located in the northern area of the City of San Diego, Rancho Penasquitos is home to many, many families. Christmas Card Lane, started with 15 families in 1985. Since that time, over 200 families have gotten into the holiday lighting act! The organizers of Christmas Card Lane have one request. Park your car and walk around so that you can take a Christmas stroll, sip hot chocolate, munch on and baked goods, and listen to Christmas carols. This community is so organized that they even rent out a horse drawn carriage. Now, that's service! Christmas Card Lane is located on Oviedo Street, just off Black Mountain Road. The entire area includes Twin Trails, Carmel Mountain Road, Ellingham Street, Renato Street, Oviedo Street, Twin Trails Drive, Barrymore Street, Totherham Avenue, Talca Avenue, Talca Court, Allenbrook Way, Davenport Avenue, and last but not leat, Amber Sky Lane.
Poway - Located in a beautiful part of San Diego County, Poway does its very best to keep the beauty of nature in, and the urban pollution out. There are parts of this city that are more rural in nature and many streets that we have yet to explore. Consider driving north on the I-15 to get to Poway and make a pit stop at 12631 Stoutwood Street. The house is located off of Twin Peaks Road & Deerwood Street. We hear that this display has earned its nickname: "The Griswolds."
San Marcos - San Marcos sure has grown since it became a city not that long ago. This North County Inland city has specific areas that shine the holiday lights the brightest. "Christmas on Knob Hill" is one of the largest residential light displays in San Diego County. With hundreds of lighted characters, over 80,000 Christmas lights and thousands of feet of electrical wiring, "Christmas on Knob Hill" rivals many other community's attempts to knock the Christmas socks off of you. We hear that even Santa himself makes a special trip to check out the lighting display. He makes a two-week appearance before Christmas every night from 6-8pm, except for Wednesdays. This North County favorite is located at 1639 Knob Hill, just off Nordahl Rd. between Tam O'Shanter Dr. and Augusta Dr. Check the map for directions.
La Mesa - Many locals know that La Mesa is the graciou host of the annual Oktoberfest, but it is also home to Bob's Christmas Wonderland in La Mesa. The house is located at 7171 Cornell Avenue. This one-of-a-kind residential display features trains, animated lawn decorations, and to top it all off, a miniature drive-in theater playing "Disney's Magical Christmas." The wonderful thing about Bob's Christmas Wonderland is that Bob uses the event to collect nonperishable food donations from all the people who come by to see his amazing decorations. Bob also provides visitors with hot chocolate, apple cider and fresh popcorn. All he asks in return is for visitors to bring one canned food item each to be donated to the Salvation Army. We couldn't think of a better cause.
El Cajon - 這就是我們去看的地區
Just east of La Mesa, El Cajon gets into the holiday spirit in a big way. Afte visiting Bob's Christmas Wonderland in La Mesa, head over to La Mesa's Jingle Bell Hill. Please note this display is also known as Pepper Drive Lights. In either case, this display is located in a quaint neighborhood that just happens to take the joy of Christmas very seriously. Jingle Bell Hill is located on Solomon Avenue and Pegeen Place. It can be reached off the SR-67, exiting on Bradley. Please see the map for more details.
Holiday of Lights at Del Mar from November 27 - January 1, 2009 - Get yourself in a festive mood at the 2008 Holiday of Lights at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
The Holiday of Lights at the Del Mar Fairgrounds is a spectacular drive-through light show and exhibit, themed for the holiday season, with more than 400 crowd-pleasing, family-oriented displays. The displays are organized into themes, which include: Candy Cane Lane, Toyland, San Diego County Fair, Treasures by the Lake, Del Mar Racetrack, the Twelve Days of Christmas and Elves at Play.
Visitors view the lighted and animated holiday creations from the comfort of their vehicles as they drive along a 1.5-mile route through the Fairgrounds while enjoying festive holiday music. It takes most visitors 15-20 minutes to complete one trip around the route and view all of the displays.
Times of Operation:
- Sundays-Thursdays, 5:30 to 10pm
- Fridays and Saturdays 5:30 to 11pm
2008 Admission Prices:
- $14.00 per car, up to 5 people
- $19.00 per vehicle, 6 or more people
- $49.00 per bus
- Because of safety concerns, motorcycles and other two-wheeled vehicles are not permitted to tour Holiday of Lights.
SeaWorld Christmas Events 2008 - SeaWorld always lights up its Sky Tower for the holiday season. They also transform the popular park into one big nighttime wonderland. Sea World gets into the spirit of Christmas by offering its guests seasonal Christmas activities, a very special Shamu Holiday Night Show, strolling carolers, holiday animals and other fun activities.
The dates for the special nights are:
- November 28-30
- December 6-7
- December 13-14
- December 20-31
San Diego Wild Animal Park Festival of Lights 2008 - From December 6 to December 30, 2008, your admission to the San Diego Wild Animal Park will also get you into their very special annual Festival of Lights and related holiday activities.
Holiday activities include finding Santa with his safari friends, seasonal storytellers, and best of all for Southern Californians, a snow hill to slide down for the kiddies. The nights are usually more chilly in the San Pasqual Valley area, so please bring your jackets and sweaters.
This is the last year for the Festival of Lights at the Wild Animal Park which is too bad. However, the Festival will be moved to the San Diego Zoo in 2009.
Quail Botanical Garden of Lights 2008- This annual botanical lighting event goes from December 11 -- 23 and December 26 -- 30, 2008 from 5 -- 9 pm. At sunset, Encinitas' beautiful Quail Botanical's Gardens are transformed into a twinkling winter wonderland with over 90,000 sparkling lights illuminating the Garden displays.
In addition to walking around the gardens and being awed by the light displays, other activities will include horse-drawn-wagon rides, holiday crafts, marshmallow roasting, visits with Santa, live music, hot mulled wine, and refreshments.
Admission: Members, Seniors, Military & Students $6; non-members $10. Children 3--12 $3. There will be additional fees for some activities.
Downtown San Diego - Don't think downtown gets into the act? Sure it does! From the green rings of The Westin on Broadway to the elegant displays at the U.S. Grant and the Westgate, downtown does its best to show off its holiday spirit. Many of the downtown buildings will decorate the top of their buildings with some kind of holiday color - why even City Hall gets into the act and hangs a string of lights around its exterior. Naturally, the shopping mecca in downtown, Horton Plaza, is always decked out for the holidays and it is a great place to walk around and do some last minute shopping. Many of the downtown restaurants decorate their interiors and exteriors with considerable flair - one of our favorite restaurant displays is Dobson's near Horton Plaza.
Mission Valley - Yes, Mission Valley's malls are decorated but did you know that some of the most decorated commercial buildings are its many hotels? The Red Lion, formerly the Hanalei, is usually dripping with lights during the holidays and the Mission Valley Hilton, usually every year, is somehow able to get JOY spelled out in its hotel room windows facing the I-8. As of our last check, this year, the hotel has not set up the lighting, but keep a look out.
Bazaar del Mundo - Just on the eastern side of Old Town sits the wonderful property of Diane Powers that oozes holiday charm this time of year. This is a great collection of small shops that not only offer a beautiful display of Christmas or Navidad displays but also a great place to do some holiday shopping. The Bazaar is located on Taylor Street and Juan Street - look for the Casa Guadalajara restaurant at the corner; the Bazaar is just behind it.
Liberty Station - The old Naval Training Center is buzzing with people now that the new Vons and the new Panera have opened up next to the Trader Joe's, the Starbucks, and the Cold Stone Creamery. Now is a particularly great time to go take a drive through Liberty Station because it has been decked out for the holidays. It seems that every decorative lamp post has a holiday wreath on it (and there are MANY of them) and combined with the beautiful restoration of the historic buildings - well, the effect is beautiful. This is a great place to go in Point Loma when you are not quite sure what to do with either the kids or yourselves and just want to walk around and see something different.
- The Gaslamp Quarter will be illuminated and vibrant from 5:00 p.m. to Midnight every night between November 26th and January 1st, 2009. Plans have been developed to light up the rooftops of the historic buildings on the district's popular Fifth Avenue, which will accentuate the unique 19th Century architecture as well as complement the work of the many Gaslamp Quarter merchants who decorate their establishments annually.
- Dec 05 Fri 2008 14:59
[12 月] 到 Viejas Outlet 溜冰去!
好消息! 南加州最大的戶外人造溜冰場, 在 Sunny 家附近的 Viejas Outlet 隆重登陸了!
去年冬天 viejas outlet 首次規劃了一個小型溜冰場, 結果反應極佳, 今年更擴大了範圍, 讓溜冰的場地更大了一些 (原本是草皮)。前陣子去的時候, 他們還在鋪設地面的冷水管線, 11/15 正式開幕,會持續開放到 2009 年一月初
這個賭場兼 outlet 的所在地海拔將近 3000 呎,因此冬天會比一般平地溫度低得多, 在溜冰場溜起冰來, 冷颼颼的, 尤其是入夜以後,還挺有冰天雪地的感覺呢! (雖然還是有不怕冷的美國人穿短袖在溜冰~)
(高速公路旁的大看板廣告 - 南加州最大戶外溜冰場)
溜冰場就沿著號稱全聖地牙哥最高大的聖誕樹周圍興建, 配上節慶歌曲, 非常有聖誕節的歡樂氣氛。雖然比起許多真正冰天雪地的地方, 這樣的溜冰場規模不算非常大, 但是已經是南加州最大的了, it's San Diego after all ! 能有這樣的溜冰場, 已經很難得了。
來看看電視新聞的報導 吧!影片中可以看到鋪在地面的 water line.
雙人冰上舞蹈, 還有聖誕老人點燈儀式
(租溜冰鞋的地方, 裡面空間很大)
溜冰的價格也非常大眾化,只要 $12, 就可以租一雙溜冰鞋, 溜上一個半小時~ 12 歲以下的小朋友, 必須有成人陪伴才可以進場溜。
Skate for 90 minutes for just $12 per person, including skates!
Click Here to view the rink from our live web cam!
Hours of Operation
November 15 – December 19
Monday – Friday, 4 – 10pm
Saturday – Sunday, 10am – 10pm
Closed on Nov. 21
Open all night on Thanksgiving!
December 20 – January 4
Monday – Sunday, 10am – 10pm
Open 4 – 10pm on Christmas Day!
Click here for Ice Rink Release Form
Admission & Rentals
Each skating session is 1.5 hours, and just $12 per person -- including skates!
Special group rates are also available. Please call (619) 659-2073 for details.
Outlet 在租溜冰鞋的店裡, 還貼心的提供兒童看顧 baby sitting 的服務, 讓想要溜冰或瞎拼的家長可以安心的去活動。費用好像是一個小時 $5
大一點的小孩, 也可以在這邊的電動遊戲機殺時間。這些都是為了 Holiday shopping 特別設計的, 所以都是臨時的設施。
12 月週末假日的時候, 還會有聖誕老人在這裡跟小朋友一起拍照喔 ($5)
除了這個溜冰場地之外, 聖地牙哥還有其他好幾個室內外溜冰場喔,很多都是臨時的, 聖誕節過後就會拆除的:
San Diego on Ice
最後還要再報告一個好消息,聖地牙哥的三大 Outlet ,之前就是這家 Viejas Outlet 沒有 Coach 的專賣店,對喜愛 coach 包包的台灣旅客來說, 可謂美中不足。
沒想到今天去看這個溜冰場的時候, 竟然意外發現原本 Border Bookstore 的店址,不知何時變成了 Coach 的專賣店了呢~~ 上次來的時候都還沒有呢!
相信這對未來的民宿客人來說, 會是個很好的消息。 以後要買 coach 包包, 只需要十五分鐘車程就能到了, 不必在大老遠跑到另外兩家 outlet 去瞎拼了。
在這個不景氣的寒冬, 能看到 viejas outlet 不但有更大更好的溜冰場, 還有 coach 進駐, 遊客也比以前更多,真令人感到開心。 雖然我們通常只是來看看逛逛,不太消費, 但是對於這麼用心努力在經營的 outlet, 總是衷心的支持, 希望他們的生意能夠更好, 才能夠長長久久的永續經營下去。
別忘了, 他們冬天夜間七點三十分,還有免費的水舞秀 "冰雪公主", 請看下面延伸閱讀那一篇的介紹。
我真的很喜歡這個風格獨特的 outlet, 再次把它推薦給大家
[私房景點. outlet. 賭場] Viejas Casino & Outlet
- Dec 05 Fri 2008 08:22
[好康] I' AM Unique 時尚皮質卡片夾送給你!
Sunny 老妹 Justine 的公司 I' AM 現在正在進行網路行銷活動,參加的人, 有機會可以得到這一款精緻的名片夾喔~
Justine 是個能力非常強的女孩子,從工作以來, 幾乎都跟包包脫不了關係, 從早期的 Kipling, 到後來的 LL Porter,已至現今的 I' AM ,都在她的勤奮工作帶領之下, 有非常精彩亮眼的成績。 Kipling 的包包的最大特色, 就是會附上一隻小毛猴, 其中有隻猴子, 還是以老妹的名字Justine 為名的喔。Sunny 一直深深以老妹的成就為榮, 她永遠都是充滿了工作的熱情,比起來 Sunny 真是個懶洋洋的遜咖呢。
如果你還沒聽過 I'AM 的包包, 不妨現在就上上他們的網站去瞭解一下這個由比利時設計師所設計的品牌吧~
我就是名牌,I AM就是我!」
就符合獨一無二的「I AM」精神~
妳/你 對「I AM」品牌的獨特見解或心得感想,與TRY友交流討論(限50字以上),
就有機會獲得時尚好禮~『I AM聖誕新品 Unique 時尚皮質卡片夾』
◆ 活動期間:2008/12/01(一)~2008/12/28(日)
◆ 活動贈品:I AM Unique 經典皮質卡片夾
◆ 贈品市值:1380元
◆ 贈品規格:乙個
◆ 得獎名額:
【廠商特別獎】10名/由I AM公司選出優選回覆者
現在就到這個活動網址去寫下你對 I'AM 品牌的獨特見解吧! 也許得獎人就是你喔~~
我是誰? 我從那裡來? 該往何處去? 我在這個大千世界,探索自我存在的意義。放任思緒天馬行空,勇敢跳出世俗潮流,我是獨一無二的,如同我的IAM包!
- Dec 03 Wed 2008 14:00
[樂客] 花蓮民宿四人組
這一組四位樂客, 是遠從花蓮到聖地牙哥來參加學術研討活動的客人。雖然樂園的樂客中,碩士以上的高學歷客人比例非常之高, 但是這一組更是厲害, 四位裡面有一位博士生, 兩位碩士生, 還有一位在慈濟大學任教的體育老師, 可謂菁英代表團!
( 慈濟大學體育老師 King & 花蓮民宿女主人 Ellen)
其中 Ellen 還是花蓮 "近月旭海 "民宿的主人之一喔。
Ellen 的民宿是由她們家人買地自建,佔地廣達 3000 坪, 共有九個房間。面對著美不勝收的太平洋海景, 真是令人心嚮往之。
Sunny 在大學暑假的時候, 曾經隨基層文化服務隊到花蓮去帶小朋友的夏令營活動,還到秀姑巒溪去泛舟, 留下了難忘又美好的回憶。 不過這麼多年來不曾再有機會拜訪這片人間樂土。 kevin 當年當兵的時候, 也在花蓮管彈藥庫呢。 希望下次回台灣, 可以有機會到花蓮去看看, 也可以順道拜訪 Ellen 家的民宿。
這還是樂園第一次有同樣經營民宿的客人來入住。說出來不怕大家笑, sunny 現在雖然號稱是民宿女主人, 可是卻從來沒住過民宿呢 ,樂園民宿完全是靠自己憑空想像摸索出來, 還好大家不嫌棄,不斷的給 sunny 鼓勵與支持,來住過的客人們多能相處愉快, 也給予我們很好的正面評價。
(Ellen 玩貓)
感謝經驗豐富的 Ellen 不吝與 sunny 分享許多民宿經營的經驗與甘苦談, 讓 sunny 也能見識一下別人家的民宿是如何經營的。 Sunny 非常佩服 Ellen 能夠一手打理九個房間的民宿業務,聽說最高紀錄曾經一次要準備五十幾位客人的早餐, 真是太厲害了。 比起來 sunny 算是很遜, 又非常沒有效率的....真拍謝...
Ellen 還教 sunny 去買益菌給小子吃,說是長期吃益菌的小朋友,比較不會生病感冒喔, 希望秋冬常常感冒的小子吃了以後, 就比較不會常常感冒了。謝謝妳的分享 :-)
目前 Ellen 正在讀博士班, 所以民宿業務交由她的妹妹繼續管理。預祝 Ellen 學業順利, 早日拿到學位喔~
(中鋒 vs 綿綿, 看看誰的眼神比較狠~)
一行四人在 sunny 家住了六天五夜, 其中 sunny 與中鋒的交集大概是最多的了。 長得像小叮噹一樣可愛的中鋒同學, 每天早上總是第一個起床的,梳洗之後, 就會坐在廚房的中島上網用電腦, 然後忠實的等待著早餐的到來
(中鋒圓嘟嘟的身材, 又穿藍色, 真是像極了小叮噹~)
每天晚上回到家之後,他又會到同樣的位置, 上網用電腦, 所以 sunny 整理廚房清洗碗盤的時候, 也都有中鋒同學與電腦的相伴, 哈哈
一開始也不知道他在忙什麼, 每天總是看他打字打個不停, 後來才知道, 原來會唸書的人就是比較有效率, 每天晚上回家, 他就會把當天拍的所有照片傳到電腦上整理好, 然後還每天上網寫遊記給台灣的親友讀者看。 不像 sunny 一篇記錄都拖了老半天才完成呀~
中鋒會有小叮噹般的身材也不是沒道理的, 因為他每天最期待的, 就是當天早餐要吃什麼, 每天遊記也都得對當天的早餐記上一筆。 即使當中有幾次 sunny 的早餐有點失敗, 他還是非常捧場的每餐吃光光, 謝謝中鋒同學給 sunny 的信心呀~
每天早上因為有你的陪伴 (等早餐), sunny 都覺得使命重大, 要更努力做出好吃的早餐呢。
阿吉同學聽說是四人裡面最 "悶騷" 的。 他跟 sunny 以前認識的一位朋友長得實在太像啦 (綠野社的朋友, 大概就知道我在說誰啦), 所以 sunny 看到他都會覺得有點小尷尬, 沒有太多的互動... 後來發現, 竟然完全沒有拍到一張他的獨照....
阿吉先生常常會有一些出人意表的驚人之舉, 例如吃 waffle 的時候, 把小藍梅一顆一顆整齊的排進格子裡, 排得美美的才吃。
有一天晚上眾人紛紛拿出相機,齊聚這個角落, 對著小冰箱上面拍照......
原來是阿吉先生把當天到 see's candy 買到的戰利品, 全部放到小冰箱上面, 還一個個擺 pose, 擺得超好看的, 然後才要拍照。 大家一看到排得這麼好看的巧克力, 也都趕快掏出傢伙, 不是, 是拿起相機拍照!
sunny 也跟著拍了一些, 寫成這篇文章: [吃吃喝喝] See's Candy
咦? King 先生拿著一根玉米在微波爐前面做什麼ㄋㄟ?
把玉米棒放進微波爐, 做 爆米花!!!!
不可思議吧? 這是叫做 golden Prairie popcorn 的乾玉米。 裡面附有塑膠袋, 只要把玉米棒放進塑膠袋, 然後放到微波爐裡面加熱三分鐘, 不久就會開始聽到玉米批批波波變成爆米花的聲音了, 超酷的~
這是 Ellen & King 在 Julian 買的 ([十月] 山中小鎮 - 茱莉安的蘋果派) , Sunny 也是第一次見識到, 真是大開眼界呢!
倒出來的爆米花還滿大一盆的ㄌㄟ, 站起來的那一跟就是玉米棒。只要灑點鹽就能吃了,很有趣吧? (自己會做爆米花之後, 就知道電影院和遊樂園裡面賣的爆米花有多麼暴利呀~~ 一點點的玉米, 就能爆出好大一桶的爆米花喔!)
每天晚上, 我們廚房的中島就搖身一變, 變成可以無線上網的網咖了, 三人一起上網看起來還頗為壯觀呢~ 這個中島, 應該是客人使用率最高的空間了, 除了上網, 也是很多客人喜歡用早餐的地點。
第一天晚上四人小組開車到達的時候, 一下車全部的人都是外套大衣, 中鋒同學還說穿短袖出門迎接的 sunny 很強壯, 當時聽得我一頭霧水 (因為我也沒提什麼重物呀?), 後來才知道他是說那麼冷我還穿短袖很強壯。 殊不知, 我跟美國人比起來, 可是怕冷一族的ㄌㄟ。
結果呢, 住了幾天下來, 他們似乎越來越適應這裡的氣候, 到最後一天要離開的時候, 你看他們穿的已經跟這邊的人沒有兩樣了呢!都是短袖 T-shirt, 完全像是在這邊唸書的大學生了!
Ellen 在離開之前提到, 說她喜歡我們的民宿有 "家" 的感覺。雖然我們可能沒有辦法跟台灣那些大手筆投資, 大規模經營的 "專業民宿" 相比較, 但是能夠得到民宿主人Ellen 這樣的評語,對 sunny 來說是非常大的肯定與鼓勵, 因為樂園最想帶給樂客們的, 就是 "出門在外, 還能有回到家的感覺"
(Ellen & king 模仿萬聖節的稻草人裝飾燈, 真可愛!)
To Sunny, Kevin & 未來的科學家小子:
感恩你們這幾天的照顧, 並且不厭其煩的回答我們的問題, 還好有 sunny 借我們 GPS, 讓我們出門輕鬆自在。 雖然人在他鄉, 卻有家的感覺與溫馨。
在不知不覺中已經準備要回國了, 但是心中卻是有著非常不捨這裡的美景與感動, 下次到聖地牙哥, 一定要再造訪樂園!
To Sunny, Kevin & Frank,
雖然我也開民宿, 不過到別的民宿讓主人這樣熱情招待的經驗挺不錯的喔!
喜歡 kevin 給整個民宿做工的小細節
喜歡 sunny 講來到 San Diego 打拼的小故事
喜歡 frank 的童言童語
總之, 這就是會讓人不知不覺喜歡上的地方!
雖然阿吉同學沒有獨照, 可是他果然不愧是悶騷一族, 自己在留言本裡留下了自畫像, 旁邊還有熱情的大太陽, 與歪腳的綿綿小姐陪襯。 我真的覺得你很適合走設計這條路耶~~
即使被熱情的太陽曬得流下一滴豆大的汗水, 還是要堅持擺出很帥氣的勝利姿勢,告訴全世界 " I 樂園"。 好可愛的 Q 版阿吉喔~~~ 可是我怎麼覺得體型比較像中鋒同學呀?
阿吉同學還畫了一隻綿綿小姐, 雖然說是畫得是不像綿綿的綿綿, 不過我家裡長這樣的動物只有這麼一隻, 所以大家都看得出來這是綿綿小姐啦, 腳畫歪了, 就當是她在抓癢吧
寫了半天, 來看看阿吉的留言吧!
To 快樂的一家人
好久沒有好好的休息了。 這幾天過得很快樂, 跟在家一樣。
每天行程都是滿的, 很多景點還是沒玩到, 真希望可以待久一點 !!
小子真的很好奇, 有好多的問題!
綿綿很愛摩人, 蹲下來她就會靠過來一直摩, 她的毛很好摸!
快樂的時光總是過得特別快, 要根這一家人說再見了, 希望以後還有機會再來一趟 !!
ㄚ吉 2008.10.16
(中鋒這張還不賴, 可以拿去徵友喔~)
To 充滿陽光氣息的一家人 Sunny, Kevin, Frank
這幾天, 很開心, 也很滿足
原本不太能接受這種和主人生活在同一個空間的方式, 經過這五天, 我徹底改觀了。
這個地方給我的第一印象: 簡單中帶點豪華, 溫暖的氛圍, 整齊且齊全的擺設。
謝謝你們這幾天的陪伴與照顧, 作我們的嚮導, 回答我們許多問題, 在這裡真的有家的感覺
我決定要去吃香到受不了的早餐了, 千言萬語只需一言, 我很喜歡這裡。
中鋒 in 樂園 10, 16, 08
可愛的中鋒, 連寫留言都不忘想著吃早餐, 做早餐給你這樣的客人吃, 真的很有成就感呢 :-) 不過我們家雖然很溫馨, 卻一點也不豪華啦~
謝謝千里迢迢從花蓮來到樂園的四人菁英小組, 很高興你們來到樂園都能有回家的感覺。有機會到花蓮, 一定去你們的民宿拜訪!也希望你們有機會再回來~
(照片來源: 近月旭海 )
Ellen 家的民宿 : 花蓮 近月旭海
- Dec 01 Mon 2008 14:15
[文章推薦。 景點] California Coast Travel Guides加州海岸旅遊
(Photo by Sunny @ Solona Beach)
Sunny 更新部落格的速度永遠比自己想更新的速度慢,還有一大堆的景點一直想介紹, 可是卻又還沒有時間介紹。常常有客人希望 sunny 可以推薦行程, 可是每個人對旅遊的期望不甚相同,也不太容易做完美的推薦。
所以ㄋㄟ, 今天來推薦大家看一個很棒的網站, 裡面有非常豐富的加州海岸旅遊景點介紹, 在聖地牙哥的總體介紹部分, 也是目前 sunny 在網路上所看到介紹得最多最完整的。
(Port of San Diego)
與其等待 sunny 以龜速的更新速度來介紹, 不如請大家去這個網站做做功課, 看看什麼樣的景點是您想要的, 什麼樣的行程, 比較適合您的時間安排與旅遊期待, 找出適合您自己的行程。
California Coast Travel Guides 加州海岸旅遊(涵蓋北加到南加州)
很棒的網站, 資料很豐富,不過美中不足的是, 一張照片也沒有。 如果您能自己耐心的做功課研究, 相信一定會非常有收穫的!