喜歡玩水嗎? 大熱天裡, 到聖地牙哥南邊的 Knott's Soak City 清涼一下吧!
Knott’s Soak City is San Diego County’s largest water adventure park. It’s 33 acres of the most intense water rides and attractions imaginable! Pacific Spin, the park’s newest attraction, includes a 132-foot long tunnel that drops riders 75 feet into a six-story funnel! Soak City guests can catch a wave in the 500,000-gallon Balboa Bay wave pool; brave one of Imperial Run’s three 80-foot-high vertical chutes or relax in the Sunset River. Everyone can join in the excitement of the Coronado Express group raft ride and little surfers can have their day in Gremmie Lagoon.
Open daily Memorial Day through Labor Day and weekends in September.
這個水上樂園看起來超好玩, 一般人都不太知道這個遊樂園, 所以 sunny 特別介紹這個私房景點給大家.
不過 sunny 不會游泳, 膽子又小, 對超級溜滑梯這類的向來敬而遠之, 所以還沒有去過. 但是我相信喜歡玩水的大人小孩, 會很喜歡這裡的
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2052 Entertainment Circle
Chula Vista, CA 91911
(619) 661-7373