

很久沒有更新部落格的文章了, sunny 的電腦出了一些問題, 也沒來得及跟大家祝賀新年快樂. 在此跟各位朋友拜個晚年.

今天要跟大家介紹的, 是我們小鎮在一月底才全新開幕的棒球公園 Lakeside Baseball Park.

(San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob 主持開幕剪綵儀式)

Lakeside Baseball Park grand opening

County Supervisor Dianne Jacob and the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation invited the public to the grand opening of the new Lakeside Baseball Park on Saturday, January 24, 2009. The state-of-the-art facility features four artificial turf fields, a playground, batting cages, a concession stand, and restrooms, all on ten acres of County-owned property. The baseball park is located at 10030 Marathon Parkway, at the intersection of Mast Boulevard and Marathon Parkway, in Lakeside. For more information, go to this page.

這個棒球公園耗資八百五十萬美金, 經過將近兩年的施工, 在 2009 年 一月 24 日正式完成開放.

這個公園佔地10 acres (英畝), 屬於 San Diego County 所有. 設計包含四個人工草皮的棒球場, 打擊練習區, 還有小朋友的遊戲區以及洗手間


基本上這個棒球公園的棒球場是 Lakeside National Little League (湖濱國家小聯盟棒球隊) 的專屬練習棒球場, 也就是我們鎮上的小朋友棒球隊的專屬球場. 可惜我家小子不愛運動,  只能在小人遊戲區玩耍, 不然能在這裡打棒球也很讚


Lakeside Baseball Park (10030 Marathon Parkway, Lakeside)
        Directions: Take 67 to Riverford Exit, go north on Riverford Rd. Turn west onto Mast Blvd. and go to Marathon Pkwy.
        Hours: 9:30 a.m. to sundown daily. Baseball fields exclusive to Lakeside National Little League use Monday - Friday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

電視新聞報導影片: this page.

開幕式邀請函: this page


我們小鎮的棒球小選手, 能夠擁有全聖地牙哥地區獨一無二的棒球公園作為練習場地, 真是非常的幸福呀~ 祝福以後他們都能打出亮眼的好成績!

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